

Below is a list of the core responsibilities as an inbound call specialist. We spare details because we don’t want to give away our competitives edges. Also, taks are forever evolving so there might be activities that are obsolete on the list and the opposite, new activities can be added.  Businesses can remain competitive if they can adapt to the current environment so for this reason, we embrance change and do not fear it.

Daily Duties:

  • Test Phone Lines for All Locations & Corresponding Report.
  • Prioritize Live Phone Calls from clients over all other business activities.
  • Confirmation of attendance from Professional Service Workers and Corresponding Report
  • Prepare Daily Tracking Sheets for Calls, Sales, and other important Tasks.
  • Check e-mail for electronic Leads
  • Check Social Media Platforms for Electronic Leads and Respond Accordingly.
  • Report any actiivty that seems unusual to management
  • Constant Camera, Calls, Messages and Calendar Checking
  • Ensure Daily Sales Reporting is complete and also resolve any descrepency and report any errors that cannot be resolved.
  • Set up meetings for management as needed.

How to Apply

  • Send Resume / C.V. to
  • In Subject Line: Inbound Call Specialist
  • Attach the file to the e-mail
  • In e-mail body provide your best contact number. 
  • Send the e-mail and wait for our Recruiter to call!

Watch the video Below to learn More about the opportunity!

  • Send Resume / C.V. to
  • In Subject Line: Inbound Call Specialist
  • Attach the file to the e-mail
  • In e-mail body provide your best contact number. 
  • Send the e-mail and wait for our Recruiter to call!